Sergey Brin









Sergei Mikhailovich Brin (born August 21, 1973), is a Russian American computer scientist, software developer, and entrepreneur who co-founded Google, Inc. with Larry Page. Co-Founder of Google, the world’s largest Internet company based on its search engine and online advertising technology.

Brin immigrated to the United States from Russia at the age of six. He received an undergraduate degree from the University of Maryland, Following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, he studied mathematics and earned a double degree in computer science. After graduation, he went to Stanford to study for his Ph.D. The subject of his Ph.D. was Computer Science. There he met Larry Page and later became friends. He filled his room with cheap computers and implemented Brin’s data mining method to build a better search engine. This program became very popular at Stanford and he postponed his Ph.D. and started Google in a rented garage.

The Economist referred to Brin as an “Enlightenment Man” and a man who believes that “knowledge is always good and is certainly better than ignorance”, a philosophy that was promoted by Google for worldwide information and is enshrined in “don’t be evil”.

Sergey Brin was born in Moscow to a Jewish family, his parents are Eugenia Brin and Michael Brin, both of whom graduated from Moscow State University. His father is a professor of mathematics at the University of Maryland and his mother is a research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

The Economist referred to Brin as an “Enlightenment Man” and a man who believes that “knowledge is always good and is certainly better than ignorance”, a philosophy that was promoted by Google for worldwide information. The goal is to make it “universally accessible and useful” and “don’t be evil”.

Brin & Page began receiving outside financing in mid-1998, and they eventually raised about $1 million from investors and family, and friends. He called his updated search engine—Google from the original spelling of the acronym Google (the mathematical term for a number 100 followed by a zero)—and created the corporation Google Inc. Brin became the company’s president of technology, And by mid-1999, when Google secured $25 million in venture capital funding, the search engine was processing 500,000 queries per day. In 2001, technology executive Eric Schmidt replaced Page as CEO of Google. However, Google was effectively under the leadership of the trio of Brin, Page, and Schmidt. By 2004 users were accessing the Web site 200 million times (about 138,000 queries per minute). On August 19, 2004, Google Inc. issued its initial public offering (IPO), which netted more than $3.8 billion for Brin.


Early life

Sergey Brin was born in Moscow to a Jewish family, his parents are Eugenia Brin and Michael Brin, both of whom graduated from Moscow State University. His father is a professor of mathematics at the University of Maryland and his mother is a research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.


Childhood in Russia

In 1979, when Brin was six years old, his family was forced to immigrate to the United States. In an interview with Mark Malseed, author of The Google Story,  Sergi’s father describes how he was “forced to abandon his dream of becoming an astronomer even before college.” Although no official anti-communist policy exists in the Soviet Union, Brin claimed that the Communist Party denied Jews high positions by barring them from entering universities; “Jews, in particular, were excluded from the physics department…” So Michael Brin changed his subject to mathematics which he got straight A’s. He said, “No one even considered me for graduate school because I was Jewish.”  The Brin family lived in a 30-square-meter (350 sq ft) three-room house in central Moscow, In which Sergi’s grandmother also lived. “I knew for a long time that my father could not pursue a career in the field he wanted”, Sergi told Malseed. But when they settled in America, much later, Sergi learned the details of those years. He learned how, after his father returned from a math conference in Warsaw, Poland, in 1977, he declared that it was the right time for the family to emigrate. He told his wife and mother “we can’t stay here any longer.” At the conference, he was able to mingle with peers from the United States, France, England, and Germany and find that his intellectual brothers in the West were not demons. “I was the only member of the family who decided it was really important to leave,” he said.

Sergei’s mother was less interested in leaving her home in Moscow, where she had lived her whole life. Malseed writes, “For Genia, the decision was ultimately up to Sergi. While her husband admits he thinks about her future as much as he thinks about his son, his position about Sergi was 80/20.” He formally applied for an evacuation visa in September 1978, and as a result, his father was “immediately fired”. For related reasons, his mother also had to leave her job. For the next eight months, waiting With no stable income, he had to take a temporary job but feared that his request would be rejected as it was for many refuseniks. He formally applied for an evacuation visa in September 1978, and as a result, his father was “immediately fired”. For related reasons, his mother also had to leave her job. For the next eight months, waiting With no stable income, he had to take a temporary job but feared that his request would be rejected as it was for many refuseniks. During this time his parents understood the responsibility of paying attention to him and his father himself taught computer programming. In May 1979, he obtained an official evacuation visa and was allowed to leave the country.

In an interview in October 2000, Brin said, “I am familiar with the difficult times my father went through and I am very grateful that I was brought up in this country. A decade earlier, in the summer of 1990, a few weeks before his 17th birthday, his father led a group of high school math students, including Sergi, to the Soviet Union on a two-week exchange program. “As Sergi recalls, this visit had awakened his childhood fears for the regime” and he recalls that “the first reaction he made against Soviet oppression was to throw stones at a police car. ” Malseed says, “On the second day of the trip, as the group visited a countryside sanatorium near Moscow, Sergei took his father aside, looking into his eyes and saying thank you for bringing us out of Russia.”


Private life

In May 2007, Brin married Anne Wojcicki in the Bahamas. Wojcicki is a biotechnology analyst and earned a BS in biology from Yale University in 1996. He holds a bachelor’s degree. He has a strong interest in health information, and together with Brin, he is improving new ways to make it accessible. As part of his efforts, he has brainstormed with key researchers about the Human Genome Project. “Brin intuitively values ​​genetics as a database and computing problem. That’s what his wife did when she co-founded 23andMe”, which gives people their own genetic makeup (made up of 23 pairs of chromosomes)  In a recent announcement at the Google Zeitgeist conference, he said he hoped that one day everyone would learn their genetic code and doctors, Help patients and researchers analyze that data and try to correct errors.

Brin’s mother, Eugenia, is being treated for Parkinson’s disease. In 2008 he decided to donate to the University of Maryland School of Medicine where his mother is being treated.  Brin used 23andMe services and found that although Parkinson’s is not usually hereditary, He and his mother both have a mutation of the LRRK2 gene that places the chance of developing Parkinson’s in later years between 20 and 80%. When asked what would be the cure for neglect in such cases, he said that his knowledge meant that he could now take steps to cure the disease. An editorial in The Economist magazine stated that “Mr. Brin regards the mutation of his LRRK2 code as his own personal bug. And thus computers also have similar bugs and every day Google engineers fix them. By helping themselves, they can also help others well. They consider themselves lucky. …but Mr. Brin was making a much bigger point. Isn’t knowledge always good and certainly not always better than ignorance?



Search engine development

He met Larry Page during a guide for freshmen at Stanford. In a recent interview for The Economist, Brin joked that “we’re both the lousy kind.” They both disagreed on most of the issues. But after spending time together, they “became intellectually good partners and close friends.” Brin focused on developing data mining systems While Page was “expanding the concept of inferring its importance from research articles located in other articles.” the two together wrote what is considered a seminal contribution entitled “The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine”.

Combining his ideas, he “filled his bedroom with cheap computers” and tested his new search engine design on the web. His project grew so widespread that it began to “problem Stanford’s computing facilities”. But he discovered that he had succeeded in creating a better engine for web search and therefore dropped his Ph.D. studies to focus more on his system.

As Malseed wrote, “Praying for funds from faculty members, family and friends, Sergey and Larry amassed enough money to buy some servers and rent that famous garage in Menlo Park… [something] Soon after], Sun Microsystems co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim presented a check for $100,000 to Google Inc. The only problem was that “Google Inc.,” didn’t exist at the time – Till then the company was not incorporated. For two weeks, while they were completing the paperwork, the youths had no place to deposit the money.

The Economist magazine described Brin’s approach to life, like Page’s, as based on the vision of Google to “collect the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”. Others compared his approach with that of Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of modern printing:

“In 1440 Johannes Gutenberg introduced the mechanical printing press to Europe and printed Bibles for mass consumption. This technology allowed extremely rapid printing of books and manuscripts – originally the caste of the duplicate was by hand – the facility to integrate so that the spread of knowledge can accelerate and help usher in the European renaissance … Google has also done something similar.

In The Google Story, the authors made a similar comparison. “Since Gutenberg has not been invented by any person, altered access to information is as cryptic as Google.

A few days later, the two “launched their new engine for web search, they began to think about today’s information beyond the web”, such as digitizing books and expanding health information.



Overseas Expansion


In May 2000, Sergey Brin and Larry Page began the overseas expansion of Google services. Soon Google worked in ten languages: Danish, Portuguese, Finnish, Spanish, German, Italian, Swedish, French, Dutch, and Norwegian. Four months later, Sergei and Larry added Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. By 2002, Google operated in 72 different languages.

In August 2001, Brin & Page opened its first international office in Japan. May 2002 was a factor in the success between Google and AOL. According to the agreement, AOL will use Google’s custom searches and sponsored links in AOL search results to reach  3.4 million users. The contract helps Google become a major search engine on the Internet, which is similar to Amazon, Yahoo!,  And eBay winning a lot in the market share. In March 2004, the company moved to a new headquarters building located in Mountain View. The complex was named the Googleplex. Sergey and Larry created a relaxed and fun atmosphere at the Googleplex: they provided their employees with free massages, pool tables, free food, free laundry, etc.



Google banned in China


Recalling his youth and his family’s reasons for leaving the Soviet Union, he expressed “sadness at Google’s decision to appease China’s communist government’s decision to censor search engine results”, but decided that the Chinese people Having Google will only have limited benefits. He revealed his reasoning to Fortune magazine:

“We felt that by being thereby sharing and by making our services more available, even if not 100% accurate, we ideally wanted to provide, Which will be better for Chinese web users, as they will eventually find out more, although it is not quite.

On January 12, 2010, Google reported a large number of attacks on its computers and corporate infrastructure that had started a month earlier involving multiple Gmail accounts and the theft of Google’s intellectual property. After it was determined that the attack originated from China, the company said that the search engine censors in China would be turned off and could be And maybe it will be completely driven out of China country. The New York Times reported that the attackers were primarily targeted at accessing the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists, but that the attack also targeted 20 other large companies in the finance, technology, media, and chemicals sectors. This latter reported that the attack involved “one of Google’s prized possessions, a password system that controls access to millions of users worldwide”.

The China-based search engine was officially shut down in late March 2010 while its Hong Kong site operations remained uncensored. In a similar tactic, domain registrar Go Daddy Inc. also asked Congress to withdraw due to Chinese new requirements for confidential information about their registrants. Talking about Google, Brin said during an interview that “we’re happy to take these kinds of steps for a reason That China’s position is actually such that it was persuading other countries to try and release their own firewalls. During another interview with Spiegel, he said, “It has always been an issue for us to promote openness on the Internet. We believe that the best thing we can do is to protect the principles of openness on the Internet.” and freedom of information.”

Although only a few large companies have so far supported the move, many Internet “freedom advocates praised the move” and it “garnered praise in America from lawmakers”. Senator Byron Dorgan said that “Google’s decision is a strong step in the field of freedom of expression and information.” Congressman Bob Goodlette said, “I commend Google for its bold move to block search results on Google has drawn a line in the sand and shed a light on the restricted area of ​​personal liberty in China. From a business point of view, many said the move was likely to reduce Google’s profits: “The move would cost Google a hefty amount of damages, which is why it refused to provide its services in China.” The reason it deserves praise. The New Republic states that “Google seems to have come back with the same link that Andrei Sakharov had obvious: one that lies between science and freedom”, referring to the move as “heroism”.




Education in America


Brin attended grad school at the Paint Branch Montessori School in Adelphi, Maryland, but received additional education at home; his father, a professor in the mathematics department at the University of Maryland, tried to develop his interest in mathematics and His family members helped him retain his Russian language skills. In September 1990, Brin studied computer science after attending Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Greenbelt, Maryland, and enrolled at the University of Maryland, Park College, to study mathematics, where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree with Honors in May 1993.

Brin began graduate studies in computer science at Stanford University on a graduate grant from the National Science Foundation. In 1993 he apprenticed to Wolfram Research, the creators of Mathematica. He received his Ph.D. at Stanford. He has taken leave from his studies.



Awards and honors


In November 2009, Forbes magazine named Brin and Larry Page the fifth most powerful people in the world. A year earlier, in February, Brin was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering, “the highest professional honor given to an engineer… [and] awarded to those who have made unprecedented achievements in engineering research, practice and practice.” have contributed… He was specially selected “for his leadership in the development of rapid indexing and restoration of relevant information from the World Wide Web”.

In 2003, both Brin and Page were awarded honorary MBAs by IE Business School, “to ignite the entrepreneurial spirit and provide impetus to the creation of new business.”… and in 2004 He was awarded the Marconi Foundation Prize, “The highest engineering award” and was elected a member of the Marconi Foundation at Columbia University. “Announcing their selection, Foundation President John J. Iselin congratulated both of them for their invention that fundamentally changed the way information is retrieved today.” “He is one of the world’s most influential selected 32 cadres of communication technology pioneers…

Among the “profiles” of its members, the National Science Foundation has included several former awards:


The special speaker at the Technology, Entertainment and Design conference was created. … PC Magazine placed Google in the Top 100 Web Sites and Search Engines (1998) and awarded Google the Technical Excellence Award for Innovation in Web Application Development in 1999. In 2000, Google won a Webby Award, the People’s Voice Award for Technical Achievement, and in 2001 it won the Outstanding Search Service, Received Search Engine Awards for Best Image Search Engine, Best Design, Most Webmaster Friendly Search Engine and Best Search Feature.
He and Larry Page are both currently tied as the 24th richest person in the world with a personal net worth of US$17.5 billion in 2010, according to Forbes.



Other Interests


Brin works on other, more personal projects that differ from Google. He and Page, for example, are trying to solve the world’s energy and climate problems at Google’s philanthropic organization, which is an investment in the alternative energy industry to obtain wider sources of renewable energy. . The company believes that its founders “want to solve big problems using technology.

In October 2010, for example, he invested in the development of offshore wind power, a major investment to aid in the East Coast power grid, which eventually became the United States’ first “offshore wind farm”. A week ago, they introduced a car with artificial intelligence that can drive itself using video cameras and radar sensors.  In the future, drivers of cars with similar sensors will have fewer accidents. Will be. These safe vehicles can be made lightweight so that they will consume less fuel in their use.

In order to increase its supply to the world, they are looking for a company to develop a progressive solution for it. He is an investor in Tesla Motors which is developing the Tesla Roadster, a 244-mile (393 km) range electric battery vehicle.

Brin has appeared on television shows and several documentaries, including Charlie Rose, CNBC, and CNA. He and Larry Page were named “Person of the Week” by ABC World News Tonight in 2004. He was nominated for the World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” in January 2005. He and Page were executive producers of the 2009 film Broken Arrows.

In June 2008, Brin invested $4.5 million in Space Adventures, a Virginia-based space tourism company. His investment is accumulated in the form of reservations for a proposed 2011 flight from Space Adventures. So far, Space Adventures has sent seven tourists into space.

He and Page co-own a custom-built Boeing 767-200 and a Dornier Alpha jet and pay $1.4 million a year to keep them and two Gulfstream Lee jets owned by Google executives at Moffett Federal Airfield Is. The aircraft was fitted with scientific instruments that allow experimental data to be collected in the aircraft, it was installed by NASA.

Brin is also a member of AMBAR, a networking organization for Russian-speaking professional business people (both expatriates and expatriates) in the United States. They appear as speakers in many places. Protection Status

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